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If you do not have dream, start dreaming right away. Figure out the reason of your existence in this world. Find out your burning desire. Sit with your family, friends and mentors. Discuss with them and with their help get to know your dream. Make your dream as your goal of the life. Dream should not let you sleep. Dream should not let you tired. Dream should not let you stop at any point. Dream should not let you give up during your success journey. Start sharing and talking about your dream.

--Robert Filson--

One has to have such dream to be successful in their life. In absence of the dream, you are just like a body without soul. Dream is the power, Dream is the energy, Dream is the reason to survive and most importantly we are given the birth in human being to fulfill our dream and make our life meaningful. neque commodo.

--Nathanael Jaworski--

The driving force behind every successful person in this world is their ‘Dream’. Dream is the fuel to run their life. Dream is the energy which keeps them alive in their success journey. Their dream is the burning desire which ignites the fire in them. Such burning desire does not let them sleep. They go mad; they go crazy after their dream.

--Magdalena Valencia--

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